Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Derailed Part Two: The Rebuilding of a Reader

In spite of my intentions to get reading again in January, life had its nefarious way with my plans. Plague, famine and pestilance ensued... ummm ok slight exaggeration there!

Reality check: The never ending work place flu, caught and suffered from 3 times. Nasty trip to hospital. On the bright side, day surgery means you don't have to eat their alleged food. Moving yet again, a chance to see how much crap you really own when you try to stuff it all into grocery boxes. And, scariest of all, entering the dating pool!!

Well, things seem to have finally settled down. (Please note oh fickle Fates and Gods I am NOT tempting you by saying things HAVE calmed down just that there is a VENEER of calm: we ok on that point?) Yours truly will now try to resume a reading life. I'm thinking of revisiting the classics for a change and mebee some non-fiction. Hold on kiddies and let us see if Studly Bookworm actually gets her reading mojo back.

And, as a footnotely way of making me seem all human and humble, I will share this personal detail: I think I need bifocals. 46 years old! Bifocals! Studly??? Hmmm.